
Ipe is an exceptionally heavy wood, with light sapwood and yellowish or pinkish brownish with greenish brown variegations.

The weaving is fine and the grain is irregular, often intertwined.

Technological properties

The ipe is characterized by a very hard wood, exceptionally resistant to bending and rigid. Work is difficult due to the high hardness and the presence of counter-thread, difficult but with excellent planing and polishing results.

Very durable with mushrooms and resistant to insect attacks. Processing powders can cause irritation to the eyes and respiratory system.


The wood of these species is used in construction works and heavy carpentry or in the production of floors, luxury boat parts, handles and billiard cues.

Typical defects

Heavy wood.

Technical details of the ipe

Family Bignoniaceae
Scientific name Tabebuia spp.
Other names Ipè amarelo, Ipè pardo,Ipè roxo, Piuva rosa, Piuva amarela (Brasile)
Geographic origin All Central and Southern America
Specific weight Medium 12% humidity 980kg/m3
Sawing Difficult
Drying It must be done slowly
Planing A low angle of attack is recommended for planing
Glueing Difficult
Nailing and screwing Good

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