
Maple is a heavy, non-differentiated wood of whitish or pink-whitish color. Sometimes the wood appears gray. The surfaces appear silky, the radial surfaces shine by the presence of mirrors. The texture is fine, the grain usually straight, in some wavy trees at the base of the stem.

Technologial properties

The maple is characterized by a semi-hard wood, very resistant to bending and yielding. It is not fungible and not resistant to xylophagous insects, but is easily impregnable with preservatives. All the workings are performed easily and the painting treatments lead to good results. If the wood appears gray it can be bleached.


Furniture and interior carpentry; doors and windows, doors, windows, parquet; decorative veneers; toys, kitchen utensils (spoons, cutting boards, etc.); carving, turning and sculptures.

Typical defects

Little durable; collapse and alveolar cracking due to mineral layers and points of higher humidity.
It tends to stain itself during drying.

Technical details of the Maple

Family European Hardwood Family
Scientific name Acer Campestre
Other names Albero da vite, Chioppo, Loppo, Oppio, Testucchio (I)
Geographical origin Mixed broad-leaved woods from the plain to the middle mountain of Italy and all of central and southern Europe
Specific weight Medium Fresh 820 kg/m3
Dried 660 kg / m3
Sawing Easy
Drying Easy, medium to fast
Planing Without problems
Glueing Easy
Nailing and screwing Easy

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